Chen Riang's Blog

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Exposing Neo4j Bolt on AKS Using Kubernetes Ingress

A Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring Ingress for Neo4j Access

Recently, I embarked on a project to deploy Neo4j on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), aiming to leverage its powerful graph database capabilities within a cloud-native environment. Everything was ru...

Unlocking Azure Postgres Query Insights


In the world of database management, having deep insights into query performance is crucial. For those using Azure Postgres, enabling PG_STAT_STATEMENTS is a game-changer. This powerful extension a...

Seamless Integration: Writing Container Service Data Directly to Azure Blob Storage

In today’s cloud-driven landscape, optimizing data storage and management is paramount for developers seeking efficient and cost-effective solutions. Azure Blob Storage stands out as a reliable and...

Optimize SQL Queires with Not-Equal Operator

When working with a large volume of data in a database, it is important to optimize queries for performance. Recently, I faced a challenge in optimizing a “not equal” (<> or !=) search, which...

Merge ZSH History files

Zsh is a powerful shell that offers extensive customization options. One of its useful features is the ability to maintain a history of executed commands. However, if you use multiple terminals, yo...

Delete keys matching a specific pattern in Redis

Deleting key(s) in Redis is pretty straightforward, you only need to issue a DEL command. However, DEL command can only remove the key(s) that exact match stated in the command, it does not support...

Kubernetes Lens show blank screen

Lens show blank screen when it connected (green dot) to an active Kubernetes cluster. Solution Remove lens-local-storage folder solve my issue. 1 rm -r /home/chenriang/.config/Lens/lens...

Exclude Lombok method from test coverage

Lombok is a nice Java library that reduces the boilerplate in our code. We can simply add in some annotations and Lombok will generate the code during compile-time. It was used heavily in my projec...

Redis - ERR EXEC without MULTI exception

Today, I hit an exception when I tried to code my Redis logic to be transactional. io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: ERR EXEC without MULTI Below is my code implementation. 1 2...

Redis Server Side Scripting with Lua

Performance and light weight are always reasons why people want to use Redis. If the ordinary use of Redis does not fulfil your requirement, server side scripting with Lua might come into rescue. R...