Chen Riang's Blog

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Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes has a dashboard web UI that provide an overview of applications running on your cluster, as well as for creating or modifying individual Kubernetes resources. Deploy Dashboard 1 kubect...

Vault Authorization - Kubernetes

Vault provide an auth method to authenticate a client using Kubernetes Service Account Token. The token of a pod’s service automatically mounted at /var/run/secrets/<serviceaccoun...

Vault Setup in Kubernetes

With Helm

Secret management is always a serious issue in any kind of application. Although, Kubernetes has its own Secret feature could help to manage secret, but after some reading I realized that it basica...

Setup Java like a Pro

SDKMAN! (formerly known as GVM- Groovy enVironment Manager) is a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple SDK on Unix environment. It will become extreme handy when you need to test ...

Supercharge ZSH console with plugins

ZSH enable you to use plugin and it will supercharge your productivity and terminal experience by 10X. In this article, we will be adding another 2 plugin for our ZSH: Auto Suggestion Syntax ...

MySQL Cluster Stale Read Issue

In my recent work, I have a requirement to increase the throughput of MySQL which do heavy READ operation and light WRITE operation. We all know that single-node MySQL will defiantly not able to a...

Deploy Janusgraph on Kubernetes with Helm

Janusgraph is an open source graph database that is highly scalable and optimized for storing and querying large graph. In this article, we will be looking into how to Helm charts for Janusgraph w...

How to start Jekyll server in local

This article will be going through on how can we launch this blog page(Jekyll Server) in local machine. -> We will be using WSL. Install prerequisite Gem and Bundler 1 2 3 4 5 6 # 1. install r...

Using Custom Function in Ignite SQL

Apache Ignite: 2.8.1 In this example, we will create a custom function that can be use by SQL Ignite. Ignite Installation Refer documentation for more infomation. In this example, we will instal...

Make Window WSL More Awsome

And drop window CMD

ZSH is another Unix shell that have interacive feel. This article will guide you through on how to installing Oh My Zsh with Powerlevel10k theme. Example: ZSH installation Make sure WSL is...