Chen Riang's Blog

Live everyday like it's your last

How to start Jekyll server in local

This article will be going through on how can we launch this blog page(Jekyll Server) in local machine. -> We will be using WSL. Install prerequisite Gem and Bundler 1 2 3 4 5 6 # 1. install r...

Using Custom Function in Ignite SQL

Apache Ignite: 2.8.1 In this example, we will create a custom function that can be use by SQL Ignite. Ignite Installation Refer documentation for more infomation. In this example, we will instal...

Make Window WSL More Awsome

And drop window CMD

ZSH is another Unix shell that have interacive feel. This article will guide you through on how to installing Oh My Zsh with Powerlevel10k theme. Example: ZSH installation Make sure WSL is...

Search with phonetic analysis plugin

Elasticsearch version : 7.7 In this article, we will look into how we search a keyword that has similar pronouncation (e.g. “write” and “right”) via Phonetic Analysis plugin in Elasticsearch. Che...

Install plugin on Elasticsearch container

Elasticsearch version : 7.7 In this article, we will be using docker-compose to create a container with plugin pre-installed. Core Plugin Plugins that maintained by Elasticsearch team. List of pl...

F1 Score = Dice Coefficient

F1 score is equivalent to Dice Coefficient(Sørensen–Dice Coefficient). In the section below, we will prove it with an example. F1 Score Definition : Harmonic mean of the test’s precision and ...

Flink consumer and Kafka partition

Setting the parallelism and partition right

Something interesting found when running Flink job that consumes Kafka stream data as a source. No matter how much parallelism set there is always 1 task manager consuming data from Kafka. ...


"Hello World, Hello Blog"

Just an ordinary template